Why You May Be More Prone to Cavities

Why You May Be More Prone to Cavities

Having cavities doesn’t always mean you have poor dental hygiene or you don’t regularly brush or floss. In fact, dentist Page Caufield, Ph.D., who studies tooth decay at the University of Michigan Dental School, states “brushing and flossing is not going to prevent cavities. The brushing and flossing mantra has been used for a long, long time, but if you look at controlled clinical studies, very few show a reduction in cavities.”

Unfortunately, certain populations are proven to be more cavity-prone. The CDC released a report stating cavities are more prone for African-Americans, 46 percent of the population having cavities, and Hispanics, with 36 percent of the population having at least one cavity. “A new study found that a small percentage of African-Americans are missing a variant form of salivary protein that wards off cavity-causing bacteria,” David Silverstrom, DDS, at the Silverstrom Group, told Yahoo Health in a recent interview.

How can you then avoid getting cavities? One of the leading causes of cavities is sugar. Exemplary dental care always encourages dental health, but eliminating or reducing the sugar content in your diet, particularly for individuals more prone to cavities, will decrease your likelihood of a cavity occurring.

Additional risk factors for an increased probability of cavities include:

  • A buildup of oral bacteria and plaque
  • Dry mouth
  • Tooth shape
  • Gum recession
  • Gastro-esophageal reflux disease

Cavities are caused when bacteria from the fermenting process of sugar that naturally occurs in your mouth finds its way into an existing hole or fissure in a tooth. Some people tend to have deep crevices in the surface of our teeth which creates the perfect location for the bacteria to rest and grow. Regularly visiting the dentist can help ensure all the bacteria and resting food particles are cleared from your teeth’s natural crevices and holes.

If you are experiencing tooth pain, need a dental cleaning or know you need a cavity filled, call Eddie Orobitg, DMD to schedule an appointment at 352.787.5919. We’re redefining the dental experience!