Recovery Tips After Tooth Extraction

Recovery Tips After Tooth Extraction


Many patients see tooth extraction as one of the scariest procedures in dentistry. The truth of the matter is, recovery from the procedure is one of the quickest in the medical world, with most people recuperating in three days or less. Yet, for those who continue to fear the prospect of having a tooth pulled or are struggling with recovery following a recent extraction, there are a few key tips to keep in mind to make sure your mouth heals quickly and easily.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

  • Avoid Using Straws.

Straws can be a surprising nuisance when recovering from a tooth extraction. Due to the suction they create to bring liquid into your mouth, straws can dislodge blood clots created by your body to slow the bleeding, potentially causing uncontrollable bleeding and infection. In most cases, straws should be avoided for at least 24 hours following tooth extraction surgery.

  • Apply Ice.

A favorite of schoolyard nurses, ice cubes are one of the cheapest and most effective ways to recover following a tooth extraction. The cold temperature decreases swelling and bruising by constricting blood vessels in the affected area. Ice also provides the side benefit of reducing pain without medication.

  • Keep Your Mouth Clean.

After the first 24 hours, the extraction site should be gently rinsed with an antimicrobial mouthwash or saline solution two to three times a day. Antimicrobial mouthwashes can be purchased at most local retailers or prescribed directly by your dentist, whereas saline solutions can be made at home using half a tablespoon of salt and eight ounces of warm water. Your dental routine should continue as normal, though it is advised not to directly brush the extraction site.

  • Avoid Strenuous Activities.

Activities that raise your heart rate, such as exercise or sports, can lead to discomfort in the extraction site or increase postoperative bleeding. While the bleeding itself is often harmless, many patients prefer to avoid it. For more information on exactly when you can resume rigorous activities following your tooth extraction, please consult your dentist.

  • Take Medications as Prescribed.

Many patients overuse antibiotics and painkillers in an attempt to recover from tooth extractions quicker. The most effective way to use any medicine is exactly as directed by your dentist, and it’s critical to consult with them before changing dosage.

Visit Your Leesburg Area Tooth Extraction Expert

For over 20 years, Eddie Orobitg, D.M.D. has treated the Leesburg community with quality dental health checkups and restorative procedures. Dr. Orobitg not only helps remove and treat oral problems, but he also takes steps to keep already healthy teeth pearly and white. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, discomfort, or pain, then trust your experienced local dentist, Dr. Orobitg, to take care of all your dental needs. Call 352-787-5919, to schedule your appointment today.