Periodontal Treatments: What You Need to Know

Periodontal Treatments: What You Need to Know

Keeping your mouth healthy can positively affect your smile and your overall well being. However, if oral care is neglected, periodontitis can develop. Commonly known as gum disease, periodontitis can seriously damage your mouth’s soft tissue and ruin the bones supporting your teeth, leading to tooth loss. Fortunately, gum disease is preventable and can even be treated in early stages. Here’s what you need to know about periodontitis and ways to prevent it.

The Stages of Periodontitis

There are four main stages of gum disease that worsen as periodontitis progresses. Depending on the stage, periodontitis may or may not be easy to treat.

  1. Gingivitis: Gingivitis is the first and earliest stage of gum disease. The main symptoms are sensitive gums that bleed as well as excess plaque buildup on the teeth. Fortunately, gingivitis is entirely preventable. It is most commonly noticed during regular dental exams and can be treated by practicing good oral health.
  2. Slight Periodontitis: In stage two of periodontal disease, symptoms become more severe. Bacteria will become more aggressive and spread to the bone, causing a receding gum line. Teeth will begin to feel loose. Periodontitis is not reversible at this stage, but it is still easy to manage.
  3. Moderate Periodontitis: During the third stage, bacteria will begin to enter the bloodstream and continue its attack on the bone. This stage requires more aggressive treatments to stop periodontitis from progressing.
  4. Advanced Periodontitis: The final phase of periodontal disease sees the development of several severe symptoms such as loose teeth, halitosis (bad breath), mouth pain, and pus in the gums. Advanced periodontitis requires surgery to eliminate bacteria and could require teeth removal.

Periodontal Treatments

If periodontitis is caught early, there are several non-surgical periodontal treatments that can prevent the disease from progressing.

  1. Laser treatments: During a Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), the periodontist will use a laser to destroy infected tissue. LANAP can distinguish between healthy and sick tissue, so it only targets the portion that requires treatment and leaves healthy gums intact.
  2. Scaling and root planing: This two-step periodontal treatment removes plaque and bacteria from the mouth. Scaling will remove any buildup under the gums, and root planing will smooth out the tooth’s root. This helps the healthy gum reattach to the tooth, strengthening it.
  3. Medication: Antimicrobial medications are a good preventative periodontal treatment that prevents the disease from advancing. Such prescription-only antibiotics are used in severe cases to control the production of bad bacteria.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy with Orobitg Dentistry

To keep your teeth healthy and white, trust the local experts at Orobitg Dentistry. Dr. Eddie Orobitg has treated the Leesburg community for more than 20 years, providing advanced dental services and restorative procedures. Whether you’re in need of a checkup or experiencing tooth discomfort, rely on Eddie Orobitg, D.M.D. for all your dental needs. To schedule your appointment, call our offices today at 352-787-5919.