I Have a Dental Emergency. What Should I Do?

I Have a Dental Emergency. What Should I Do?

From chipped teeth to throbbing toothaches, there are many different types of dental emergencies. While some need to be treated right away, others may not require the same amount of urgency. Here are some guidelines on what to do if you experience a dental emergency.

Determine Your Urgency

You can determine the urgency of your dental emergency based on the level of pain you are experiencing. If your dental pain is preventing you from speaking, sleeping, or eating, then call your dentist immediately. However, if your dental emergency is more of a cosmetic inconvenience that is not causing you a great deal of discomfort, then you may be able to wait a few days before having to deal with the situation.

Dental emergencies that may not need to be treated immediately include:

  • Mild toothache or sensitivity
  • Lost bridge, crown, or filling
  • Small but painless chip or crack in your tooth

While not urgent, such instances are still emergencies, so it is important that you still notify your dentist as soon as possible so that you can schedule an appointment to take care of your dental issue.

Alleviate Your Pain

While you await your emergency dental procedure, there are some things you can do at home to alleviate any pain. Such remedies include:

  • Swishing with some hydrogen peroxide or dissolve a teaspoon of salt in hot water to serve as an irritation-reducing mouthwash
  • Taking some over-the-counter pain medication
  • Flossing around areas where your gums hurt to dislodge any items that could be causing pain
  • Using a cold press to reduce any facial swelling

Go To the Dentist

On the other hand, some emergencies need to be treated right away. You should contact your dentist for immediate treatment if you experience any of the following dental emergencies:

  • An injured jaw
  • Continuously bleeding gums
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Painful toothache or mouth swelling
  • Severe tooth sensitivity

If you are suffering from any of the above dental emergencies outside of normal business hours, contact your dentist’s emergency number. If you are unable to reach your dentist, visit your nearest hospital emergency room.

Your Local Leesburg Emergency Dentist

When you have a dental emergency, go to the expert that the Leesburg community has trusted for over 20 years. Eddie Orobitg, D.M.D. is known for handling dental emergencies with care and comfort and providing routine dental health checkups — one of the best preventative measures for avoiding dental emergencies. If you need quality, local care, call 352-787-5919 to schedule your appointment today.