Dental Tips for the New Year

Taking care of your oral health is extremely important. Issues such as bad breath, gingivitis, cavities, and plaque buildup can all be avoided by regularly practicing healthy dental habits. Maintaining your dental hygiene saves you money from expensive dental bills and allows you to feel good about the health of your teeth and gums. Here are a few dental care tips for implementing in your new year routine.

Dental Care Tips to Practice

While there are a number of healthy habits you can practice to improve your oral health, you should be focusing on these specific dental care tips.

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.

    It is important to keep your teeth and gums in their best condition possible, so brush your teeth after waking up and before going to bed. Brushing in circular motions can help rid of any plaque and build up.

  2. Make sure not to overbrush.

    Brush properly by using a more gentle grip when pressing your toothbrush against your teeth.

  3. Brush your tongue.

    Not only does brushing your tongue help with bad breath, but plaque can also exist there as well.

  4. Use a fluoride based toothpaste.

    Fluoride fights both tooth decay and unhealthy germs that may live on your teeth and gums.

  5. Be sure to floss every day.

    Flossing is just as important as brushing. Flossing gets rid of any last remaining pieces of food within your teeth, reduces plaque, and helps with inflammation in the gums.

  6. Use mouthwash for an extra protective step.

    Mouthwash helps with bad breath, gets rid of germs, and reduces acidity levels in the mouth.

  7. Drink more water and limit your sugar intake.

    Monitor what you’re eating. Consider lowering your sugary and acidic food intake. Steering clear of these types of foods and beverages can prevent many oral health issues, including tooth erosion and cavities.

  8. Visit your dentist at least twice a year.

    Schedule an appointment with your dentist every six months.

Maintaining an extensive oral care routine that includes all of these dental care tips will allow for the most effective at-home oral care. However, the top dental care tip would be scheduling an appointment with a reliable dentist at least twice a year so that a professional can properly inspect your teeth and gums.

The Best Dental Services in Leesburg FL

For over 20 years, Dr. Eddie Orobitg has treated Leesburg area patients with routine dental checkups and restorative procedures. If you are experiencing any dental issues, including sensitivity, discomfort, or pain, schedule an appointment at Orobitg Dentistry by calling 352-787-5919.